Saturday, February 9, 2013

Summer in January

Our little family was in Des Moines a few weeks ago and this Mama was pumped to take some photographs of her new one year old at the Botanical Center!  Lincoln was mostly excited to eat rocks and mulch.  I'm guessing it's wishful thinking to hope he will be out of that phase before summer is here.


Man, I love this kid!  I'm not sure a minute goes by during the day where my heart isn't bursting with joy over this little guy.  He is getting to be a comedian and so so goofy.  He likes to be loud, rough and showers me with hugs and kisses (unprompted) all day long.  How did I get so lucky?

 Lincoln is a Mommy's boy... who could blame him?! :)  But lately he has a really strong attachment for his Dad. It's really sweet to watch.

 Looking and smiling at the camera wasn't on his agenda.

Lincoln is rocking being one!  He is the happiest and most content he's ever been.  He always wants to be in on the action and watching everything I do.  He started walking about 2 weeks after his birthday and is now trying to run.  He is fast!  I try to sneak away from him so I can go to the bathroom alone.  NO LUCK.  He seems to sense the moment I leave the room and around the corner he comes.  It's hard not to laugh when he finds me and gives me the hugest smile and comes over because he wants to kiss my legs.  What a sweet boy we've got.


Unknown February 10, 2013 at 7:51 AM  

So excited to find a new post this morning. It made my day.

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