Wednesday, July 21, 2010

a good summer

I am having such a great summer :) Because of my job flexibility, I've really gotten to choose a healthy balance between work and fun. It's wonderful getting to spend more time with friends and family, working out in the mornings, and I don't really mind working/editing/shooting on nights and weekends because I have more free time during my day. Life is good! I'm adjusting quite well to fresh air and a new coworker, Mowgli!

My mom came to visit me this weekend and we had a lot of fun relaxing and hanging out around town.

It was my first time (that I can remember) going to the College Hill Arts Festival. It was REALLY hot but fun to walk around and see all the artwork. My absolute favorite booth was a photographers booth. His website is If you couldn't guess, his art is beyond too expensive for me, but his photos are from around the world and I was able to recognize a few spots from my semester abroad.

I found this easy recipe online last week and though I would make it for my mom. It was a big hit and a new summertime favorite for me. You need:
pizza dough
feta cheese (I bought it with some italian seasonings already in it)

The hardest part was getting the dough on to the grill and flipping it :) But then you just layer the ingredients. It probably takes 10 minutes tops on the grill. mmmmm

We also took Mowgli out to the Arboretum twice over the weekend. He loves it there. It was a hot, but no rain. I am so thankful for my mom who comes to visit me!


LindaAlex July 21, 2010 at 7:08 AM  

It was a GREAT weekend! Thanks for everything, Ash!

Kaley July 22, 2010 at 11:54 AM  

I think Whiskey would have ruined that picture! He'd be in the water with a few fish hanging out of his mouth. :) He's looking forward to our sleepover with Mowgli!

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