Friday, October 22, 2010

Alexis Jo's newborn photoshoot

Man oh Man, Alexis is the best baby ever. Her entire newborn session was a breeze. Like all newborn sessions, heat is the key. I always tell mom's to heat up the house. The naked baby should be the only comfortable person there. My sister-in-law Callie followed directions perfectly. I walked in to the house and started sweating immediately. So yeah, we were a little hot, but Alexis slept through her whole photo session. She was so content and let me do what I wanted!


Alexis was wide awake when I came over. After I got all my stuff unloaded. I grabbed her and thought I would get a few photos with her eyes open. that only lasted about 1/2 a minute. Then she was OUT for the next 4 hours :)

Because Alexis was so sleepy and I had extra time, I tried several new things! Safety is the MOST important thing, baby girl is only about 5 inches above a bean bag in this one and only for probably 30 seconds.

She's just the cutest. I bought this hat last year on etsy and am really glad she was able to wear it. And that swaddle job? It's all Callie :)

It's no secret I love photographing tattoos and babies. I love the contrast of the two. Jason was supposed to be back at work the day I came, but I'm glad we could "use" him at the shoot! :) He is the classic guy who's not too excited about pictures. But just like all the great dad's, he does it anyway!

It was so much fun photographing my niece. She was only one week when I took these, the perfect age. I know I posted WAY too many on the blog, but I'm a very proud Auntie!


NiccoleCarol October 22, 2010 at 9:51 AM  

So precious Ashley ... Such a treat when they sleep the whole time. She is a doll!

Knut & Molly Brown October 22, 2010 at 2:04 PM  

I can see how you could fall in love - seriously cute baby!

Amber October 22, 2010 at 3:19 PM  

Wow, Ashley. Some of your best!!! The hat box, and the it. But my favorite is the third one down. So precious!!!

Kaley October 22, 2010 at 5:59 PM  

You're awesome cousin! I love them all.

Liz October 22, 2010 at 8:25 PM  

Oh my gosh what a doll! The first photo and the photo of her tiny lips just melted my heart. :) What a precious little girl! And the hat from Etsy is soooo cute! What a great use of the hat box too.

Suzy October 23, 2010 at 8:27 PM  

Not too many, Ashley... not enough! These are AMAZING, each one better than the last! Thanks for sharing!

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