Happy Birthday Jesus
Christmas morning, Travis got Lincoln out of his bed and told him, "Happy Birthday to Jesus!" It made my heart so happy. We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus over the course of a few days and sang a lot of Away in a Manger. This may be my last year I don't have to address Santa with Lincoln and I really enjoyed avoiding the topic. I REALLY want my kids to know the actual meaning of Christmas and what we are truly celebrating. I like hearing how other families accomplish this with their little kids.
My mom got Lincoln some Christmas jammies just a few days before we started all our celebrations. He wore them a lot for 3 days. We had to get some good use out of them!
I tried out the "3 gifts" concept this year. They are supposed to symbolize the 3 gifts the wise men gave to Jesus, but I couldn't remember what it stood for :) Maybe next year. So Lincoln got 2 toys, a book and some little stocking stuffers. I was super excited that I only spent $8.00, $6.00, and $1.00 on the gifts!
We were able to spend Christmas morning at home just our family or 3... or is it 4? I may be the only mom who had everyone get dressed, ready and fed before we did any presents. The sun isn't out and optimal for photographs until 8 or so!
My mom hosted us on the 24th and we were able to enjoy almost a full day of lounging around and eating with my family. I'm not sure whether it's better to blame my huge holiday weight gain on Christmas goodies or being pregnant.
This little monkey that does flips was one of Lincoln's favorite gifts.
We spent the evening of the 25th with the Schrage side. I was hoping for a good cousin picture, but I got some funny ones instead.
Travis' parents got the two youngest kids radio flyer horses (Lincoln knows how to go fast) and the two oldest trampolines!
I love thinking about how next year we'll have 2 more little Schrages to add to the mix. Speaking of that, I'm 7 /12 months pregnant and this sweet little baby deserves a blog post!
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