Friday, August 22, 2008

And baby makes three

Meet Mowgli! Travis and I are both SO excited to have a dog. It's something we've been talking about for awhile, and going back and forth over. The opportunity presented itself about two weeks ago. One of Travis' coworkers mentioned she was a co-owner of a litter of canaan puppies in MN. We were sold the instant we saw pictures of those sweet little things.  So here are some pictures of Mowgli's first full day with us.  He is 10 weeks old!

We went to get him last night, and met his dad's owner at the MN/IA border.  Poor Mowgli was covered in poop!  I think the car ride must have been a little traumatic for him.  We got him home about 10:00pm and gave him a nice bath.  The next thing he did was pee and poop within 2 minutes on our kitchen floor.  We knew accidents would happen!  Today he has been SO good about going potty outside.  He was able to hold it while i was at work, until 1:00pm.  I was impressed!  I got home, and took him outside, he knew just what to do.  Our little guy is very smart.  Since then, he's went outside a few more times.  Trav and I want to teach him to ring a bell when he needs to go to the bathroom.  So we ring it when we're inside, say potty, then take him outside.  While he's going, we ring the bell again.  Yes, I do feel dumb knowing my neighbors are probably watching and laughing.  Hopefully Mowgli will catch on fast!

We spent about $200 bucks at petco before we even got him.  One of the items that was a definite must was an orange collar.  It's Travis' favorite color.  Even though Mowgli has a microchip in him, we thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to put his name and our phone number on his collar.... Just in case!

Why Mowgli?  He is a purebred pup that will go on to do some dogshows (more on that later). His full name is very sophisticated:  HaTikva Cherrysh Desert Wolf.
The "theme" name was desert, and Travis and I were able to pick the last part (Wolf) and a call name that was associated with it.  Yeah... it's complicated, and I don't know if I fully understand it either.  So we liked the name Mowgli, from the Jungle Book, and since Mowgli was raised by wolves, we thought it went perfect :)

To see more on where Mowgli comes from, and maybe adopt one of his brothers:


Dale August 22, 2008 at 5:32 PM  

He's very cute!

Kelsey August 22, 2008 at 11:48 PM  

Ashley - I cannot wait to meet him! I'll probably call this weekend and get the scoop over the phone - but a what a beautiful dog. Yay! Welcome to the puppy club! : )

Anonymous August 25, 2008 at 8:44 PM  

Your dog is the smartest dog ever!! I know everyone thinks that but yours totally is:) I think I should continue trying to train your dog....or just playing with it:) PS You are an amazing!!!! photographer. I can't wait for something fun to happen so you can take a pic of it for me:)

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