Monday, August 18, 2008

feeling not so happy

Travis was sick last week with a cold. Guess who got it this week. We went to Wisconsin Dells over the weekend with Travis' sister Callie and her husband Jason, so I am thankful it held off until Sunday night when we got home.

It was a fun weekend, but not enough rest for me. My body has always been like that. When I get run down and tired, I get sick. So last night when i was tossing and turning, I went downstairs to drink some Nyquil, only to find an empty bottle in the garbage. I was soo mad! No, it wasn't really Travis' fault, I realize he didn't do anything wrong. However, when you're tired, cranky, uncomfortable, and can't breath, its pretty hard to rationalize your thoughts.

But guess who went to WalMart tonight to get more... TRAVIS !!!


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