Thursday, October 23, 2008

Photoshop and Tic Tacs

I learned photoshop in college, and I'm so glad I did. I wish I knew it better... someday! But for now, half the fun is taking the picture, half the fun is editing it to make it pop. One of my favorite blogs is Me Ra Koh Photography, and she has photo contests pretty frequently. No, I don't cross my fingers hoping I'll win, I know it's a long shot. There are many professional photographers that enter the contests too. It's just fun. I like the challenges and themes of the contests. When she posts the top 5 finalists, it's fun to see what they did, and what perspective they had on the theme. This month it is "Inspirational Objects". I chose a container of tic tacs :) The reason behind it being, when I was a kid, my momma always hid them in my bag when I went to my Dad's for the weekend, went to college, and now she puts them in my bag when I leave her house from a visit! Over time these tic tacs in my bag say "I love you" and " I'm with you". So I'm showing a before and after picture of what I submitted. The first photo is right out of the camera, and the second is after some photoshop tweaking.


e-leen October 28, 2008 at 1:59 PM  

i love tic tacs! nice photograph

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