Friday, April 30, 2010

Hallie is 6 months! (Waterloo/ Cedar Falls children photographer)

Baby Hallie is 6 months old!

I know how ridiculous I sound. I seem to say EVERY age and EVERY session is my favorite. BUT, I just have to say it... 6 months may be my very favorite age for a baby to be photographed. I love 6 months for so many reasons, the first one being, they can sit up! I know every child develops in their own time. So some are just learning and can do it with assistance, and some are pros at at. They have wonderful expressions at this age. They laugh and giggle and talk to you. It's fun to capture so many unique moments of them being babies. I really liked this particular sampling of Hallie's session. She has a different expression in each one.
Another thing I love about 6 months is when you put them down, they generally stay there. I haven't had too many crawling at this age, and luckily no one is toddling away from me and my camera :)

DO YOU LIKE MY NEW CHAIR!? I purchased it for $5.00! Hallie was a big fan :) I think I am too.

Hallie's parents are THE best! There is so much love going around for this babe, it's contagious. I really look forward to my sessions with them. It's like hanging out with old friends.
Oh Hallie, you are growing up so fast! Slow down! Although... I am pretty excited about the big 1 year-old session. I already have some fun things planned :)

Hope it was worth the wait Molly!


Becky Bartlett April 30, 2010 at 6:58 AM  

LOVE her new pictures!! Very cute, Molly & Knut! Ash- I really like the new chair!! What a find!

b+k April 30, 2010 at 7:36 AM  

I LOVE the chair! what a cute little girl too :)

i've been wanting to attempt re-upholstering a chair, i've been reading a lot of blogs about it, and i'm glad you were able to find such a stellar one with a great print!! how FUN!

keep it up with the cute props!

megfandel April 30, 2010 at 9:28 AM  

awesome pictures, ash! you are amazing!

Our Life April 30, 2010 at 9:50 AM  

LOVE the chair!! And love that shot!

Kris Hoskinson May 1, 2010 at 1:55 PM  

i also love 6 months. definitely my favorite age. so fun, can entertain themselves while sitting up and watching the world, can't talk back, can laugh, and can't crawl or run! amazing! :) great pics!

Knut & Molly Brown May 2, 2010 at 2:34 PM  

Totally worth the wait! These are amazing as usual. Thanks Ashley!

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