Monday, April 26, 2010

He's Home!

This past week, Travis has been gone on his annual week-long motorcycle trip down to North Carolina. He looks forward to this for 12 months out of the year! He had an awesome time and returned home safely last night, that's my favorite part :) I'm so glad he has something he enjoys this much and can take a week out of life to enjoy it. I do breathe a pretty big sigh of relief when he pulls in to the driveway safe and in one piece!

Mowgli and I had a pretty good week while he was gone. It's a good thing Trav doesn't leave us too often, because I slack off big time around here. I really didn't cook much at all while he was gone. I took the fast and unhealthy route most of the time. Frozen pizza, mac and cheese and a few great friends that went out with me. What's that? Did I go to Carlos O' Kelly's twice in one week? me... ? that would be crazy unhealthy! Especially topped off with chinese and the Brown Bottle. I would never do that :)

I also seemed to become a bit ditzy this last week. I don't know WHAT was wrong with me! It's not like Trav reminds me to do all these things when he's here. First, I put the garbage out on the wrong day, not really a big deal, but I've never done that before. I didn't realize until the next day when I saw I was the only one on our street with it out. I took Mowgli out to a field just South of town and lost my car keys! In a field! With no one around. I was pretty lucky that I found them just a few feet away from where I was standing at the time. That was a close one :) I also lost my wedding ring, which was just a tad more frightening. I found it, but only a couple hours later, after looking very frantically. It was on my bible of course, safe on my night-stand. I'm almost positive I had already looked their twice. I'm just relieved I found it!
**edited** OH, and I almost forgot about the hard boiled egg incident! I was going to make one for lunch. So I put the egg in the boiling water and hopped in the shower. I was only in for a few minutes, so didn't worry. I got out and checked on it and realized it had cracked and all the insides were floating in the water. Bummer. Well, I thought I would just put another in the already boiling water. So I did, and went upstairs to get dressed. 30 min later I realized I had left the egg boiling and was horrified that I would find a melted, burnt and smokey mess. I was SO grateful to find about 1 Tbs. of water left and no burnt mess. Someone must have been looking out for me this week! But really, who ruins 2 hard boiled eggs in a row!?

Mowgli became an official Dog Show Champion this weekend! He won a couple of his "categories" on Friday and received enough points to earn his championship. He's pretty hot stuff around here :)

We were both blessed by wonderful visitors too. My cousin Kaley and her husband Scott came for an afternoon and brought Mowgli's cousin Whiskey along. We all have a lot of fun watching the pups play together. There is only a few months different between the boys and they love being around each other... they probably love each other so much because they both like to play rough!
and give kisses!
Even though it was sort of a lonely week, it was a good week. I am SO glad I have Mowgli to keep me company, and we did a lot of fun things together. A also had 3 photo sessions, so plenty of work to keep me busy. I'm thinking I may be growing up a bit too. This was the first time I was home alone where I didn't "hear" strange noises and keep myself up at night thinking, "what was that!?" Although, now that Trav knows I lost a few valuable items, he may not want to leave me home again. At least I found them again :)


Amy April 26, 2010 at 2:47 PM  

um, whenever i see your pictures of animals (dogs), i want them! seriously. beautiful.

glad travis is safe and you're all home together again!

Anonymous April 29, 2010 at 10:14 PM  

You left me out

b+k April 30, 2010 at 7:38 AM  

I love that puppy.

and, the egg thing is something i would probably do. not that i have done it already, but it sounds right up my alley. no worries, friend. You're not alone!

Kaley May 3, 2010 at 7:21 PM  

Yay for puppies! I love our dogs :)

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