Thursday, May 20, 2010


26 years old is off to a good start!

I didn't have to wake up to an alarm.
I have my yoga class at 8:20am.
I get to edit a gorgeous family's session this morning.
Travis is coming home for a birthday lunch :)
And we are kicking our weekend off early and going to Des Moines!

*edited at 10:21am* Travis surprised me this morning with some balloons and candy in my car. You could say I didn't leave any extra time before yoga to remove these balloons. Bet you can't guess what it's like driving down the highway with your windows cracked and a car full of brightly colored balloons!

Being 25 wasn't half bad. The year was filled with ups and downs, but I'm definitely ready for this next year! I'm just hoping I don't get any more grey hairs. Why is this starting so early!!!

I was going to share a baby picture, but couldn't find any. So I thought it would be fun to put a photo up of where I come from :)

Gotta love the Lord on the wall, right?! :)


LindaAlex May 20, 2010 at 7:21 AM  

Happy Birthday, Ashley Anne!! I am glad that you have a good day ahead of you and I know you will have a good year! That photo was valentine's day 1974 at my parent's house. I was fourteen and your dad was sixteen!!

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