Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweet Treat (Waterloo/ Cedar Falls child photographer)

Miss Alaina is growing up so fast! I have loved watching her grow. She is 9 months old and moving very quickly! Even at her 6 month session, she was pretty insistent that she not sit still. She was crawling then, and now at 9 months already walking away from me. I told mom we better get ready for a very active 1 year old session!

This shot (above) is my favorite from our session! LOVE Kami's toes in the background!

Alaina's expression in the one below is priceless!!

what a precious baby!

I love showing up to Alaina's sessions because her mama always lays out the neatest piles of clothes and accessories on the couch for me to choose from. I wish I would have taken a photo of the couch! These leggings, headband, and loli were too much to pass up! Alaina couldn't have been more thrilled with this choice. We handed her the sucker but she wasn't sure what to do with it. She threw it and it broke in about 10 pieces on the ground. Mom popped up, went into the other room and came back with a second.

THAT'S a prepared mama!! :)


Becky Bartlett May 18, 2010 at 10:15 AM  

No doubt a prepared mommy!! Such sweet pictures... I love all these flowery headbands on the little girls!!

Kris Hoskinson May 21, 2010 at 10:25 PM  

she is soooo cute!!!

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