Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Babies (Waterloo/ Cedar Falls family photographer)

I received a few requests from this family. But the most adamant request I got was from Grandma. She wanted a photograph with ALL her "babies"... big ones and little ones :) Since we also had some Great Grandparents at our session, they were very helpful in making the little guys happy. I absolutely love hearing animal noises behind my head :)
I went to high school with Brad (above). He saw my facebook page a month or so back and got a hold of me. It was fun to get to see him again and catch up on life. I feel a little silly admitting this, but if I remember correctly, Brad was my first kiss!!! AHHH, I can't believe I told you all that :)

LOVE LOVE LOVE farm sessions! Thanks Brad and family :) Your full online gallery will be up tomorrow! Thank you for being patient.


Brad Muller May 26, 2010 at 12:56 PM  

Was I really?! :) I believe I remember the kiss in question ;)

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