Monday, May 10, 2010

Tanner Charles (Waterloo/ Cedar Falls newborn photographer)

Ahhh... the sweet smell of baby details! Tanner Charles was beyond handsome, apparently looking just like his daddy, or so I hear :) I wonder if his Dad also has a big appetite. Tanner would eat, fall asleep, and then we would lay him on a blanket and he would fuss and root around for more :) Mom said he would eat all day if he was allowed.
I think Tanner's favorite series were the photographs in the basket (above). He was so peaceful, we all felt bad moving him out.

I wish I had a couple of images like this of my mom and my dad with me as a new baby. Sometimes, I think newborn pictures might get overlooked in all the excitement of bringing home a new baby. But what could be treasured more! I'm so glad to work with amazing parents like Todd and Shannon that invite me into their home and share in these first couple of weeks.
What a great looking little family! I'm sure they are all happy to have him here for this Mother's Day.

I had a wonderful morning! Thank you Todd and Shannon for sharing Tanner with me. And thank you Rich and Kay for getting me connected with this beautiful family.


LindaAlex May 11, 2010 at 7:34 AM  

Perfect! I love the baby details and the basket shot...beautiful details that will hold those newborn memories forever!

Craig May 11, 2010 at 12:46 PM  

These pictures make me want another tiny baby! (Not any time soon though :) And I love your new header, especially that middle picture. I almost got teary eyed looking at that special moment you captured! Cannot wait for Ava's session this summer!!!

Anonymous May 14, 2010 at 4:53 PM  

Love them! They turned out really beautiful!

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