Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day MOM!

Some may not be aware, but I have the best mom ever! I know some fantastic women, but I have just never met a mom like MY MOM! I'm so thankful to have her.

Happy Mother's Day MOM! I couldn't love you more :)
I took this photo last weekend when we went to visit her in Des Moines. She posted the photo on her BLOG too, but also posted an image that Dale (her bf) took of both of us at our photo shoot! I wish she still lived in town with me, but Travis and I do visit her often. We actually got to take Mowgli with us last time which was a first. This is Mowgli's first ice cream cone. We've been at Snookies before and watched other dogs inhale the puppy cone in one swallow. Mowgli was a bit more careful, enjoying every lick :)

It was also his first time at a farmer's market and playing on the swings with us. He was a champ about everything and did great. I was nervous he would get hit by Trav on a swing, but he seemed to love jumping out of the way just in time :)

He LOVES breakfast burritos :)


LindaAlex May 9, 2010 at 7:55 AM  

Aw, you made me cry! But that is a good thing! I love being your mom. Thanks for the tribute and the morning call. I love you!!

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