Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Graduation Day (Waterloo/ Cedar Falls child photographer)

This little man just graduated from my 1st year Baby Plan! He has grown so much and it has been such a joy for me to document his first year of life! I have loved getting to see Conor every 3 months. So I'm going to miss him now that he is one year old. Time flies by and both his parents and myself are in awe of how big he is and how much he as accomplished in just 12 months.
I think this one above may be my favorite from the day.

I always like to throw a couple of family shots in there! Although the typical one year old won't sit still for long. Conor was no exception. He's a fast moving little dude.

Conor made us all laugh so much this time around! He wanted to eat all the sticks and grass. He didn't seem to think the taste was that yucky and kept going back for more! He must have a big appetite :)

Conor, come back to see me again! Thanks for another great session Joe and Leslie!!! Hope to see you guys some time this summer.


Anonymous June 9, 2010 at 9:04 AM  

They are great! Thanks so much!

Johnni June 11, 2010 at 8:15 AM  

Joella loves to look at these awesome pictures of her cousin. She's so eg x cithehdh she had to tell you herself:) yuuuuu n n n n n n n n nh hg, mgrtbv q fdfdfdfd r

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