Monday, June 7, 2010

We made it

Travis and I survived our first camping weekend together! We took Mowgli to Backbone State Park and spent the whole weekend with my cousin Kaley, her husband Scott and their dog Whiskey. I went camping occasionally as a child, and Trav is an Eagle Scout. So we had some interesting skills and experiences to combine into a memorable trip. We had such a fun weekend and are already excited about doing another camping weekend.

I've struggled with when and how often to get my camera out for personal use since I started my business. Of course if I had kids, I would be photographing a lot more. But there are only so many pictures I can take of Mowgli :) I really do enjoy taking photographs, but don't always want to be lugging my gear around either. It's nice to just enjoy life's moments and be IN the moment instead of setting my shutter speed and deciding on the perfect aperture. I did want to get my camera out more than I did this weekend. I only remembered it about 15 minutes before it went pitch black on our second night. So this is a pretty small snippet of a night in some photographs.

Of course the boys had plenty of fun... ALL weekend :)
The forecast looked bad and I was pretty nervous it would rain all weekend, but we really lucked out! It did end up raining a few times, but didn't last long. We made the most of it, talking in the tents and playing a game of "Sorry". I haven't played that board game since I was a kid. It was really fun and I'd absolutely play it again!
I'm writing this on Sunday night.... and BOY, am I exhausted! I could have easily went to bed at 7:00pm, but held out till 8:30! I would say I slept fairly well, but it definitely wasn't a sound sleep either night in the tent. A double size air mattress just doesn't compare to our King Size pillow top bed! Mowgli is of course out like a light. He had an intense amount of exercise for 3 days and I'm not sure he loved his tiny corner we gave him in the tent :) Travis is the only one of us with any sort of energy. He was spraying weeds, mowing the lawn, and riding his motorcycle after we got home. I have a feeling he stayed up late watching Ultimate Fighting off the DVR.


YUCK, blogger was down and locked me out! I couldn't even finish my post before I went to bed :( I couldn't NOT say what the best part of camping is! The beauty of camping is the break in self-maintenance! Is it NOT?!?!? Not one of us took a shower all weekend. Scott claims he changed his underwear on Saturday, but the rest of us fessed up to forgetting to do so :) Travis told me he only brushed his teeth once all weekend. I'm sure we all gained a few pounds too! Much yummy food was consumed and I know not everyone is able to #2 away from home.... (too much information?!) HA


Unknown June 7, 2010 at 11:26 AM  
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Unknown June 7, 2010 at 12:50 PM  
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Unknown June 7, 2010 at 4:05 PM  

Those were all my comments deleted... blogger kept giving me an error everytime I wanted to comment so I would just come back later and comment again and it just kept giving me an error and saying there were zero comments.

My bad.... I'm blogger illiterate :)


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