Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A long lost friend and a little princess

My friend Steph and I go way back! We used to run wild in our childhood church together. I hadn't seen Steph since high school when I ran into her at a local neighborhood restaurant about a year ago. Needless to say I was pretty excited to find out she was going to have a mini-Steph soon! IT'S A GIRL!

I'm not sure why, but the tip of the ponytail hanging down in the one above completes the shot for me! I just think it adds a hint of spunk and cuteness to it. I spose it's those little details that make something click for me.

In this one above, I asked Steph if she would lay down. Of course she did so with no complaining... HA! But once she was laying on her back, her tummy practically went flat. I kinda shrieked... "you don't even look pregnant anymore!" So she "stuck it out" and I took the shot :)

Thanks Steph and Aaron for hanging out with me! Can't wait till the little princess arrives.


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