Monday, June 21, 2010

odd and ends

I have the most beautiful canvas sitting in my living room! I love staring at it. Baby Tanner is on a 16x24 black and white wrap looking as cute as can be. Wish I could keep it for my wall! I think his mommy might come after me if she never got it.

Why is it that I was in Des Moines this weekend and my mother was in Cedar Falls? Actually, only for a day, but it was weird! My Des Moines trip was really awesome. There was a nice mix of photography, visiting friends, and lounging by the pool with my mom. I got to have lunch with two friends, GREAT friends! Two friends I don't see as often as I would like. It was amazing catching up but crazy just how much we had to catch up on.

My mom forced the camera out one afternoon and we agreed photos of feet was the best option.

My other amazingly fantastic friend Johnni is in town for the week. I'm so glad she brought her little punkin with her. I was ridiculously bad at breaking out the camera for little miss Joella this time around, so I'm borrowing a photo I took of her in December. She is so much bigger now, but still as cute as a button.

I feel like I'm finally getting caught up on my sessions needing editing. I love finding out what mom's and dad's favorites are! I've been spending more and more time at Panera lately. There are lots of distractions at home and I end up thinking of soo many things needing to get done around the house... or a friend to hang out with! :) So I've been going to Panera for a few hours and getting a shortbread cookie... mmmmm :) sounds good!

Well, It turns out I am horrible of getting new photos into the header at the beginning of the month. I may be abandoning that idea, we'll see :) In other news... I think this is the longest day of the year! I like the long days. However, I also like to have sessions at the end of the day, and it's not the best idea to keep little ones up past bed time! It will be nice to have earlier sunsets.

I don't have the slightest idea what this post was about! :)


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