Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Gonna miss her!

I am going to miss seeing this little girl every 3 months. Alaina graduated from my "1st year portrait program". Happy First Birthday little punkin!
The white dress and pink balloons were perfect and beautiful for her 1st year portrait. She absolutely LOVED those balloons! I'm not sure I've ever seen such a little person so excited over something. She was practically flopping out of her mama's arms to get to them. None were popped and only one flew away.

If that's not over the top cute, I just don't know what is!
PS: Here is a great tip for moms with little girls. Go with a petti-skirt over a tutu. Generally the material in a typical tutu is scratchy and babies will NOT enjoy it! This petti-skirt, ordered from Etsy, was so soft I wanted to rub it all over my face!

We always have lots of fun at Alaina's sessions! Kami is super fun to work with because she's always thinking of fun things to make their pictures unique and interesting. Alaina got to play with balloons, eat cake, and play in a mini pool for her one year old photo shoot. She had so much fun she fell asleep before I had my car packed up!

What a great session! Even though it's tough and takes lots of patience, I LOVE photographing little ones!


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