Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wisconsin Dells

This is a picture of Travis and I at Wisconsin Dells! We stopped at the Noah's Ark waterpark on the way home from our Milwaukee trip. We both love waterparks and I try to go to one every summer.

We loaded up with one of the yummiest breakfasts I've ever had before our water day! We found this local breakfast place on the way to Wisconsin Dells and had our fill of breakfast burrito, hash browns, and strawberry waffles. It was a bit chillier than I would have liked, somewhere in the 70's maybe getting up to 80... but not too bad. It's something different we can do together.

OH LOOK! this is a picture I took of Travis coming out of the craziest slide there! It's called the Scorpion and is the closest water ride you can get to a loopty-loop. There is a chamber at the top that you get into and is fully enclosed. You hear a countdown and then the floor hatch just drops out from underneath you. You fall for a couple of seconds before rounding up and over. I couldn't catch my breath the whole ride!

In case you really couldn't tell, I borrowed these photos of the internet :)


Becky Bartlett August 24, 2010 at 9:52 AM  

Funny. I thought you mistakenly posted the wrong picture at first... :) Sounds like a fun trip- I haven't been to the Dells in ages!

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