Monday, August 2, 2010

Home Again, Home Again

We're home! Travis came home this weekend after 7 days in Colorado dirtbiking. I of course created a mini-vacation to Des Moines and Iowa Falls while he was gone. It has become quite the joke that Trav gets all the real vacations and my only vacations are going to Des Moines. Not that I don't love visiting my mom, but it's hardly a REAL vacation.
I stayed for 4 days and at the top of my favorite list is yummy food! I photographed 2 of the prettiest dishes: yogurt, fruit and granola for breakfast. Our dessert was homemade strawberry and peach shortcake. It makes my mouth water just writing about it.

When my mom moved to Des Moines about 4 years ago, her plan was to get her bearings around town and then buy a house. So she rented an apartment for the time being. Turns out... apartment living isn't so bad. We're both pretty crazy about the pool. My mom is still talking about finding a house to buy, but I think the pool has a gravitational pull on her.

I dropped Mowgli off in Iowa Falls to spend some time with his cousin Whiskey. Lucky for me, I got to spend a couple days with my cousin Kaley too! I didn't take any pictures of us... to bad, I know :) We do have matching swimsuits and hung out in her pool quite a bit. When we were kids, we would dress alike and tell people we were twins. We joked about going over to her neighbors and introducing me as such. It's probably best we decided against that :)

Travis obviously had a blast too. I'm sure you knew that though! Sometimes it's a bummer when he takes off to fun locations without me. But I'm really happy for him that he has such a passion for his motorcycle hobby. It kind of makes me wish I loved doing something as much as he loves dirt-biking.

Travis is actually becoming quite the photographer! He took some really great shots. Just wanted to share a couple here.


Becky Bartlett August 2, 2010 at 2:00 PM  

Looks like a fun week for both of you! Travis does take great photos... and your picture of poolside made me wish it was nice and sunny today. Boo for rain!! :(

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