Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Miley's mini photo shoot

I met one of my "newer" friends, Heather, last year when she contacted me with some photography questions. I get emails from aspiring photographers every once in a while and I am just honored that people are looking to me for advice! It wasn't that long ago that I was in their shoes. And of course there are photographers I really look up to and lap up any piece of advice they give.

Heather's desire to learn the ins and outs of her new camera tugged at my heart. She wanted to take beautiful pictures of her little girls. So sometimes we get together and practice. I LOVE her daughters! They are gorgeous and fun to be around and they think of me as family :) I feel pretty special in their house!

We took Miley out to her Great-Grandma's house on Saturday and had some fun with a barn and the setting sunlight. A common misconception is that all you need to take really nice photographs is an expensive camera. You really have to learn your way around that expensive camera! I'm really proud of Heather for sticking with it and learning how to make the most of her camera.

I don't think I could ever bore of photographing those curls! I understand why her momma is always taking her picture.

ps: Smarties are a great way to get an almost 2 year old to stay still for over 10 seconds.


LindaAlex September 14, 2010 at 7:06 AM  

Beautiful child!! I love the photos too. They have a look of innocence and purity. . . a midwest childhood portrait. What a fun time with Heather.

Heather September 14, 2010 at 3:17 PM  

Your kind words are just as wonderful as your portraits! I love that our passion for photography has sparked a very special friendship...you are such a sweet person and I enjoy our photography "talks"....ok...Carlos O'Kelly's get togethers! haha! I totally look forward to many more shoots together (minus the mosquitos) ..still up for that photo shoot get-away! We need to just pick a date and go for it!

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