Monday, November 1, 2010

Charly is 8 months old!

Here is Charly Grace at 8 months, with her Mom and Dad of course! They look like they are straight out of a stylish magazine. I wish I had such cute taste in clothes.
Kelli had CUTE boots on. And Charly wasn't about to be outdone by her Mama. She was sporting her own boots. What a fashion statement these ladies were making :)

Charly is such a sweetheart! I loved photographing her at 4 months and she is becoming even more gorgeous. I didn't think it was possible.

I got several messages from friends saying that they loved this chair and not to sell it. Now I'm having second thoughts... It is pretty cute.

There are so many funny ones of Charly giving us these goofy faces!

I can't wait to see this little punkin again for her 1 year shoot! I always have such a great time with this family. They are so relaxed and natural in front of the camera. I was given a refresher of how difficult this can be when Trav and I did our little anniversary photo session, which by the way I STILL haven't edited. I can start to breathe a bit easier now that October is over. It's a great month, but by far my busiest :) I'm ready for things to calm down a little and enjoy the holidays!


Unknown November 4, 2010 at 10:07 PM  

We LOVE the pictures! Thanks so much for capturing our family and Charly at 8 months!

Jordan November 4, 2010 at 10:10 PM  

Pictures look great. Maybe you should keep the chair!

Anonymous December 8, 2010 at 11:08 AM  

I absolutely LOVE all of the pictures! Charly could definatly be a TV/magazine baby!

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