Wednesday, November 3, 2010

worn out

These two! These kids were so sweet and cute, but man were they tough to photograph. I pulled out all my secret tricks to fool these guys into sitting still and smiling. None worked. Little Elsie was beyond adventurous. We would put her on a chair and she would just dive off! NO FEAR. Her Mom and Dad said she's just like big brother Drew.

Hello long lashes!

Drew is an amazing brother. He was so helpful in getting his sister to look up and smile. I knew that he would rather be playing soccer or climbing on the swing-set, but he humored me anyway and cheesed it up for the camera.

What's that?! 2 smiles?! I am GOOD! No wait, I think Daddy was doing something silly. I guess I was just there.

OK, I guess one thing did keep their attention for a few minutes. It was all Mom's idea and I'm so glad she had these lollipops. It sounded like little Elsie doesn't like sweets very much, but she made an exception this time :)

Thank you "G" family for having fun with me! You have beautiful kids who I'm thinking will probably keep you on your toes for many years. I'm still tired from our session over a week ago :)


Betsie Frey November 7, 2010 at 9:38 AM  

LOVE all the pictures! Ashley, you do such a great job! Drew and Elsie - see you at school :)

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