Friday, November 19, 2010


I'm going to go ahead and pat myself on the back for getting this shot above! These cousins were HIGH energy. I actually can't even believe they are all sitting down, let alone looking my way :) But have you ever seen a cuter bunch?

Little man Klay!

Handsome Wil! I found out his full name is Wilson and thought it was SUPER cool. What a cute kid.

This is Madde, what a sweetheart! The only little girl in the family. I hear she's boss of all the boys though. I know it's not fair I didn't post an individual of each kid, but this is a "sneak peek" :)

These extended family shoots can be a bit stressful and crazy with so many people. But they can also be very rewarding. These Mom's were AMAZING! With all the chaos they were both so relaxed and fun to work with. The weather was beyond ridiculous. It was all sunshine till we pulled up at our location. The rain clouds made our sunny afternoon go away and it rained on us probably 5 times (stopping long enough for us to go out and get sprinkled on again). CRAZY! We managed to get some good shots in between all the chaos though. Hope you enjoy the sneak peek!


Becky Bartlett November 19, 2010 at 7:42 AM  

Nice work, Ash! I know now how hard it is to get kids to look at a camera at the same time!! I'm impressed- these are great!

Amie Buskohl November 19, 2010 at 3:42 PM  

Great Job Ashley!!

I can't wait to see the rest! I love them.

And, Really it was the photographer who was relaxed and amazing!

Unknown November 21, 2010 at 9:36 PM  

Great pics, Ashley! I agree with Amie -- you were amazing! I have no idea how you captured the shot with all of the kids looking & cute :) Can't wait to see the rest of the pics.

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