Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The last days of fall

Wow, this was one fantastic family! We got their session in right before the wonderful fall weather ended. I've been photographing the kids' cousins for a couple years so it was great to get to meet more of the family. Again, how do I get such gorgeous models?!

Jayden was a little quiet in the beginning, but that didn't stop him from being totally natural in front of the camera. Since he seemed to be a little shy, I wasn't sure how much he would want to take direction, but I think he REALLY likes his picture taken. Future model? With those good looks, I can see him being in a GAP commercial.

Halle seems to be the spunky one in the family. Lots of energy and adventure in this little girl! She knew what she wanted and she wanted to go to the Park! I hope she found one after our session.

I think they're pretty cute :)

The leaves were almost completely off the trees, which meant great big piles to lay in! I'm still picking leaves out of my camera bag :)

I meant to get these photos up on Monday, but I wasn't expecting so many other clients to be so fast with their galleries! I've been pumping out orders like crazy lately. I know I said this before, but October is my busiest month for photo sessions. I guess that means November is going to be my busiest month editing and getting prints from the labs into client's hands. Thanks for hanging in their for your sneak peek "G" family.

A cousin shoot is on the agenda next. I'm crossing my fingers I can get that up on Friday :)


Carrie November 17, 2010 at 2:45 PM  

Great pics as always, Ashley! And a pretty cute family if I don't say so myself :) Love them!

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