Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks

I have so much to be thankful for! So why do I spend most of my days thinking of the things I don't have and want? I'm really pushing myself these days to be joyful for all the blessings in my life. To find the good at all times is something God has been teaching me.

My Family:
Oh how God has blessed me with Travis. Our marriage continues to get better and better. Our first year was slightly rocky. I knew I loved him and was happy to be married, but there were some days I thought I had made a huge mistake. There were many days I thought I deserved better and didn't think he would ever be able to love me the way I needed to be loved. This past year God blew me out of the water with unexpected love from my husband just the way I needed him.

My Job:
Last year at this time, I felt desperate to get out of my work situation. I was so sad and felt really hopeless while I worked for an architecture firm. I cried every day and knew that was just not where I was supposed to be. God creates us all perfectly and gives us unique skills, passions and desires. I felt like a caged animal going through mindless tasks and knew I wasn't using what I had been given. Today, I feel beyond thankful for my gift of photography and the chance to have my own business. It might not be a lifelong job, but right now... it is perfect. I love what I do, love working with wonderful people, and love making my own schedule.

Our Home:
I know I spend so much energy complaining about my house! Today, I am thankful for my home. No, it isn't perfect and I would move in a heartbeat if it were that easy. But, I am warm, I'm cozy in a king sized bed at night, and Travis consistently says his favorite part of the day is coming home! I'm thankful for our large garage and we don't have to clean snow off our vehicles. We started our married life together here, and I'm grateful for our house.

I never thought I would be a dog person. I'm SO glad I have Mowgli. I'm a very affectionate person, and some days Mowgli gets more than his fair share of hugs and kisses. He puts up with me most the time and lets me snuggle him. When I'm having a tough day, it's usually Mowgli's fur wiping away the tears. When you don't have kids, it's hard to feel like a family, rather than a couple. Mowgli makes us a family of three :)

My Jesus:
My heart swells with love for the Lord. Sometimes I think about the beauty of God and start to cry. I'm so thankful for a relationship with Jesus. It's mostly Him giving and me taking. Me asking for things and Him saying to be patient, to hope, and to trust in His plan. He gives me so much. I am so Thankful!


Heather November 26, 2010 at 2:30 AM  

You are a beautiful person...I'm so thankful to have you in my life!
Happy Thanksgiving to your adorable family!!

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