Monday, November 29, 2010

Food, Food, and more good Food

Besides being with family, my favorite part of celebrating the holidays is all the yummy food. We started off the festivities at Trav's Grandparents on Thanksgiving day. I REALLY love Travis' grandparents. They are so loving and thoughtful, and they really care about me and what's going on in our lives. I generally don't bring my camera to the Schrage side. They get a bit "twitchy" when I pull out a photographic device. But my Thanksgiving Day plate looked like perfection. Everything tasted so wonderful. I may dream about that meal for awhile.

Friday, we celebrated Thanksgiving at our house with my Mom, brother, and his girlfriend Briana. I had such a great day with my family. We decided to not do anything turkey or mashed potatoes related. My mom and I found a few recipes online the night before. The plan was to make a bunch of appetizers and eat the whole day. What a great plan... right?! We had buffalo chicken chip dip, honey BBQ meatballs, garlic dip, asiago bread, meat/cheese, pie, and a pastry filled with brie cheese, honey, walnuts and cherries (pictured below).

On Saturday, my mom and I went with Jay and Briana to find their Christmas Tree. Trav and I have become a fake tree home, so it was fun to go and be a part of cutting down a Christmas Tree. Our family always did this together growing up. I didn't realize I missed the event.

What a fantastic holiday weekend... besides the fact that I got a cold. But it came on so fast, and it seems to be passing fast too. I haven't been sick in SO long. I'm already looking forward to Christmas!


LindaAlex November 29, 2010 at 7:31 AM  

It was a wonderful holiday!! You and Travis are great hosts. It was fun to celebrate Thanksgiving and transition to the Christmas season together!

Becky Bartlett November 29, 2010 at 11:14 AM  

Appetizers all day sounds like a great idea! Yummy! :)

Kris Hoskinson November 30, 2010 at 7:14 PM  

you and your mom always make everything so much fun! i love it!

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