Friday, November 5, 2010

Meeting Brecken

I got to meet my cousin Kaley's baby boy on Wednesday! Brecken Scott was born on October 25th. He was a whole month early, so is still learning how to feed. The little guy is very sleepy, so only wants to stay awake for a few sucks. It was so fun to go to Mason City for the whole day! It was nice to hang out with my cousin and of course snuggle a 6 lb little man. Baby Brecken was perfect.

Congratulations Scott and Kaley! Everyone is really excited for Brecken to get to go home. You'll hopefully be seeing his newborn photo shoot on here in a couple of weeks.


LindaAlex November 5, 2010 at 7:29 AM  

Aw, he is so adorable. His hair looks silky soft. Welcome to the family, Brecken! So glad you girls got to spend the day!!

Niccole Carol November 5, 2010 at 8:48 AM  

Great pictures Ashley. He is adorable. Every time is see a "Brecken" I get all giddy. It is not the most common name. My six year old is named "Brekken" and I get compliments almost everytime I say his name in public. Enjoy Baby Brecken, and Ashley I hope to see pictures over the years. Congrats again!!!!!

Kaley November 5, 2010 at 12:33 PM  

Aww I love him so much! Thank you for visiting us cousin, we enjoyed it. We can't wait to go home and have you visit and take pictures in a more comfortable environment. We love you!

Anonymous November 12, 2010 at 5:27 PM  

Beautiful babe and pic.

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