Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So worth it

I LOVE photographing newborn bundles of joy. Yes, they take a long time, they are unpredictable, tough sometimes, pee and poop everywhere, but come on... it's worth it! I feel so much joy and pride when a new mom sees her baby, that she of course already knew was gorgeous, in beautiful photographs for the first time.

I was having a tough time setting up the above shot. I just could NOT find the right blanket that was working in size with the basket. I was about to give up when Madi settled herself in and got cozy.

I really like that you can see the stencil above her bed in the background. "Dream Big"

Oh man, is your heart melting yet? She was a picture perfect baby for her session. Mom, Amy made me a bit nervous when I got to their house by telling me Madilyn doesn't sleep in the mornings. One sneaky trick of mine later, she was OUT!

Go Hawkeyes! Wait... I'm supposed to be a Cyclone fan :) Well, either way, cute family picture! I really loved photographing this baby and her parents. They were such pros with her already. I was telling them that most new Dad's are a bit skiddish in holding a baby in these ways, not Blake! And I loved getting to spend more time with Amy. I met her through Junior League, whose mission statement I just happened to copy and paste in below :) It's a really great group. I'll probably end up writing more of a post about it one of these days.

The Junior League of Waterloo-Cedar Falls, Iowa Inc. is an organization of women dedicated to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.


Jess Turner November 13, 2010 at 2:36 PM  

Awesome pictures!!! You have such a beautiful family!!! She is adorable and doesn't Ashley do an awesome job?!?!

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