Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Brecken Scott

Brecken... such a sweet little boy. He is my cousin Kaley's son, which obviously means I love this little guy! I had a great day with Brecken and his family. It's fun getting to relax and chat with friends or family during a photo session.

I think this was his coziest pose! He probably could have slept for hours in Dad's hand. I'm not sure Scott would have wanted to hold him up that long!

Brecken's "Woe is me pose." :) He LOVED his hands up by his face. I don't think we even tried to swaddle them down while I was there. There's no way he would have liked that. You can't tell from these photos, but Brecken was a pistol during his photo shoot. He may be small, but already has a mind of his own.

His Grandma (my aunt) made his amazingly cute hat. He's kind of tiny, so it was really big on him. Good thing I'm pretty handy with safety pins.

I couldn't love this little family more if I wanted to! I can't wait to see the man Brecken will become. He has two fantastic parents, I'm sure he'll turn out pretty darn good.


LindaAlex December 1, 2010 at 3:47 PM  

I love this baby boy and I haven't even met him yet! He is gorgeous. I love the birth announcements too. Congratuations again, Scott and Kaley!!

Kaley December 2, 2010 at 2:58 PM  

Thanks Linda. You need to come visit us! :) These are all awesome Ashley. We LOVE them!!! Thank you cousin :)

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