Monday, December 6, 2010

A weekend away

We got to see a nice big snow fall this past weekend! We were in Dubuque Friday through Sunday for Travis' work Christmas party/ trip. It started snowing as we were leaving Waterloo and by Saturday morning there were 7 inches of snow in Dubuque. We got their safely, but not without sliding through an intersection on a steep hill.
Travis' company got us hotel rooms both nights and tickets to the Museum/ Aquarium. I took a few fun pictures at the Aquarium, but they are on a friends camera. I did bring my little point and shoot to Galena on Saturday. We went for a few hours and walked around, did some shopping, and had lunch. It really felt like the Christmas season with the fresh snow and all the holiday decorations.

Looks like 7 inches :)

I can't beleive Travis didn't buy any of the hot sauce. One of our friend's did have an interesting encounter with some sauce made of Ghost Chilies. Trav smartened up after our honeymoon incident.

It was fun to have a weekend getaway. Two nights of staying up late with his coworkers though has left me TIRED! I think I was awake till midnight both nights. For most people, this isn't THAT late, but I am known to love/ need my sleep.


Kaley December 7, 2010 at 3:13 PM  

Nice boots!! ;)

LindaAlex December 8, 2010 at 6:54 AM  

I love the snowy shots. We don't have any snow yet but it should come this weekend. It looks so pretty!

Julie Ulven December 11, 2010 at 10:25 PM  

I love Galena! Lucky you!

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