Friday, April 15, 2011

Print Sale

I can't tell you how many photographs I've taken in the past years. It's a lot. I couldn't even begin to imagine the exact amount. And, the file sizes are so stinkin' huge that they fill up space fast.

Soo.... Print Sale! For the rest of April, I'm offering 40% off on any prints from sessions taking place in 2010 or years earlier. I'm going to go through a lot of my old files and purge client photographs. After this, there will be no guarantee I will have certain photographs from sessions. Because of the sale, I will repost your old gallery for one week for no additional fee. So you can see what you didn't purchase the first time around! Go ahead and feel free to order all those oldies (but goodies) from the past. You can email me or send me a message through the website for more details. Only paper prints, not canvases are included in this sale.


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