Thursday, September 15, 2011

Goodbye Summer, Hello Big Belly

I am 25 weeks! The photo was taken a couple of weeks ago when I was visiting my mom. I'm probably a tad bit bigger now. We had our last pool weekend of the year and soaked up the rays. It was also the ONLY time I wore my two piece this summer. By August, the extra fabric of my typical top made me feel too hot. So since I don't know anyone at her little pool, I cut loose :) My belly button is gone. It hasn't poked out, but it's pretty much flat.

I've been feeling slightly huge and clumsy lately. I know that's funny to say because I'm fully aware that there is still a long way to go. I've had a great second trimester. I felt like the first was a bit rocky, mostly because I worried about everything! I've managed to relax a little more and now that he's moving all the time, I'm reassured that he's just fine in there. I don't think I could ever tire of feeling him wiggle around in my belly, he is such a blessing already to us.

Travis has been incredible! I would say we've gotten a lot closer these last few months, he may say differently :) I'm pretty impressed with how attentive he is to me and how much more patient he's become as my patience level drops. I know I snap a bit faster at him and don't have as much tolerance for anything less than perfect. OH YES... my perfectionism is back in full force! In college, I realized that I wasn't perfect and couldn't really make anything perfect. Up until then, I was a BEAST when something wasn't done right. I'm not sure if it's part of my nesting or what, but I have totally been feeling those things coming back. I do not like it, so I'm trying to keep myself in check. We'll see how it goes :)

I'm still working out pretty close to my old exercise routine, just slower and with more breaks. Everyone tells me how healthy it is for myself and for baby, so hopefully I can continue into the 3rd trimester. I love that I have a membership to the YMCA so I can get good use out of the pool and track as the weather gets colder. Last winter, I did a lot of the treadmill, but with how clumsy and bulky I feel, I'm thinking I should not try that in the next 3 months.

I am loving being pregnant! Feeling so connected to this little guy just makes me happy. I don't know if you'll ever be able to get me out of maternity clothes! They are wonderful. Luckily, I haven't had to buy much at all. I've gotten to borrow from my cousin and sister-in-law which has been fantastic. Why doesn't everyone where stretchy elastic pants? As much as I am enjoying this, I am soo excited for December (or January) to get here!


Becky Bartlett September 15, 2011 at 3:30 PM  

Looking good!! :)

Anonymous September 15, 2011 at 5:28 PM  

You look great--enjoy every minute of it!! Ann

Kris Hoskinson September 15, 2011 at 9:44 PM  

you look so great! i love reading about your pregnancy experience! i miss ya. can't wait to actually talk to you again one of these days about life:)

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