Tuesday, October 16, 2012

He looks good in red

These are photos from Lincoln's 9 month photo shoot.  I did this one by myself, so I had to work HARD!  It's a lot nicer when Grammy comes along.  So he did just turn 10 months, but last month was a great month for us.  He is a better sleeper!  He started sleeping from 7:00pm to 6:00am.  He nurses then goes back to sleep until about 8:00am.  YAY!  Knowing him, this pattern could change very soon.  I'm enjoying it right now.  And my super short napper boy is currently taking an hour long nap in the morning and still 30 minutes in the afternoon.  But this is a big big improvement from maybe a month ago where he would nap for 12 minutes twice a day.  yikes.

 He learned to play patty-cake this month.  Everything he learns and does seems to be the cutest thing in the world to me!  I'm guessing every mom is like that.  He's also signed "more" a few times.  He certainly doesn't do it on command, just when he wants to.  But that's the way he is about everything.

 Lincoln loves his train.  That's his favorite piece he likes to snatch up first.  He's getting more interested in his toys and playing with them for longer stretches.  He still really likes me to be around but seems to be getting a little more independent.

 He also started crawling.  This is really fun.  Yes, he is getting in to everything.  That phrase now takes on so much more meaning.  I've always heard people say that, but it's just different when you're living it.  Mowgli's food and water dish has been tricky to keep him out of.  He used to bee line for it 50+ times a day.  But after telling him over and over and pulling him away from it, he may have given up going after it.

Lincoln is just the most precious and beautiful child in the world!  I'm a bit sappy but I can't get enough of this boy.  I love being his Mama.


Becky Bartlett October 16, 2012 at 9:34 PM  

I think he'd look good in every color, but red is definitely cute!!

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