Saturday, October 11, 2008

Motorcycle Man

I married a motorcycle man!!!  Who would have known?!  I'm much more of a safety kind of girl than a risk-taker, danger-seeker.  There have been times where I wished he didn't love motorcycles, or even that he didn't own 3 different kinds (street bike, dirtbike, pocketbike). But we've talked a lot about it, and I don't want to change that part of him.  

There were things that we discussed early on in our relationship.  We talked about the stuff that was very important to us that we would not be willing to give up.  One of the things on my list was having a family, meaning kids.  My dream has always been to be a momma, and not even just to have them, but to make them a top priority in our lives and how we spend our time.  Travis knew this early on, so as i chat about our un-conceived children, it's not a shock to him, and he knew who I am.
Obviously one of the things Travis was not willing to give up was his love for the bikes.  It's part of who he is.  If you know Travis, you'll know his face SHINES when talking about bikes, planning a trip, or hopping on and driving down the street.  It's not my favorite thing about him, but it's who he is.  People ask me ALL the time," you still let him ride?" Or tell me how unsafe they are, and people that have died on them.  I KNOW!!!  But it's who Travis is, and I won't take that away from him.  One day I asked Travis, "if you knew you would die on a motorcycle, would you still ride them?"  Without hesitation, he said yes.
Even though I'm ok with him being a motorcycle man, I still pray ALOT for his safety on the days he's out on a trip.  Today, he took his "Busa" on a day trip around the state with some of his friends.  So Mowgli and I are on our own.  There may be a trip to the dog park this afternoon, YAY!


Kris Hoskinson October 12, 2008 at 3:57 PM  

that is great that you are supportive of something he loves! and hopefully you had a great day to yourself! :)

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