Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Officially Fall

I don't consider it fall until there are LOTS of leaves on the ground. So this weekend it became officially fall in our back yard!  The weather this weekend literally felt PERFECT.  Our local weatherman tells us it's going to get cold, soon.  So I did all I could to enjoy our yard this weekend.  A few years ago, whether in a class through church or large group setting, I learned about how people feel most connected with God.  I definitely feel most connected when I'm outdoors and able to see his creation of sky, trees, grass, mountains... the list goes on.  I love that this feeling of awe is soo accessible.  Even if I'm not outside most of my day, I still do little things like go for a small walk, look out the window, drive with my windows down, and these things still FEED my NEED!  Winter is coming, and it is definitely a season where it's harder for me to get that "connectedness".  Guess that's what happens when you live in the midwest!

So, YES, Mowgli is probably the most photographed pet ever :)


Johnni October 14, 2008 at 6:59 PM  

Hey, Mowgli's face is looking older now. Glad you got to enjoy your yard! I hear you on loving the outdoors :)

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