Monday, May 17, 2010

Yay, it's Monday!

Never did I think that I would like Mondays! When I was in school, I dreaded Monday morning and having to go back to class. When I was working at the architecture firm, I would practically ruin my Sunday just thinking about going back to work on Monday. NOW, I like Mondays and like starting my week! I enjoy my work and I like getting back into my workout routine after taking a break for the weekend.

I did have a FANTASTIC weekend! Travis was gone on a dirt-biking trip, so that was a bummer. I miss him when he's gone! But my mom came and the two of us spent practically the whole weekend together. It felt wonderful to have it be just the two of us. We took lots of walks, ate yummy food, cleaned my kitchen, saw friends, made a strawberry rhubarb pie.... it was just nice to be together.
Half the pie was already gone when Trav got home :) It actually didn't stay whole very long at all.

She also took a picture of my puppy and I. I think I only have 2 photos of Mowgli and I :) Seeing us side by side makes me realize how big he is!
Thanks for coming for the weekend Mom! Move back soon :)


Amber May 17, 2010 at 8:04 AM  

Yellow is a really good color on you. I love the scarf, too! :)I'm going to be saying, Yay it's Monday starting the second week of June!!!!

Anonymous May 17, 2010 at 12:15 PM  

Ashley- I just love checking out your blog. You do such a great job. The pic of you and Mowgli is a classic. Blow it up and put it in your living room. :) I hope all is well and we'll have to get together for dinner soon. Have a great week. Glad to hear your weekdend without Travis was fun, since you got to spend time with your mom. Take care.

LindaAlex May 17, 2010 at 7:14 PM  

I had a great weekend too! I need to visit more often. You and Mowgli look great together. Remember there is more rhubarb in your fridge!

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