Thursday, June 3, 2010

Heading South

.... well, just a bit South :) I am planning some Des Moines Iowa photo shoots coming up!

I am booking photography sessions in Des Moines on JUNE 17, 18, and 19! If you live in Des Moines, or know somebody who does and may want photographs taken in these 3 days, let me know! Please leave a comment, send me an email, or fill out the contact info on my website and we will get something scheduled!

Let's photograph some babies, families, high school seniors, couples, just for fun sessions! Get creative :)

I am also offering something extra for those who book NOW for these sessions! If you book a session in Des Moines, I am throwing in an additional $35.00 print credit to any package purchased between now and June 17th! Hope to see you down south :)

And here's just one from last weekend. I LOVE LOVE LOVE engagement sessions :) I've been itching to edit just one, but the rest will have to wait for next week.


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