Monday, August 23, 2010


WAHOO.... Trip to Milwaukee! Travis had some vacation time he had to use or else he would loose it. This is the first photo of the trip. See me in his sunglasses? We haven't done many road trips together, this was one of the first ones! We've been married for almost 3 years and this just may have been our longest drive together, 4 hours :)

One of our first and favorite stops was Solly's Grille. It was an amazing burger purely because it was soaked in butter. Now, this isn't something I would eat on a regular basis or make myself. But it was a fun one time thing. See the yellow on the bottom of the plate? BUTTER!

Look at Travis the photographer! Once again he is impressing me with his skills. I really like this picture of me, but thought his composition was really creative too.

We did several self portraits... some better than others. We brought both a nice camera and point and shoot. Both came in handy.

Of course we had to visit a brewery while there. We were recommended the Sprecher Brewery tour and it was wonderful. I was surprised how much you could taste. I'm not a huge beer fan but tried a few different kinds. Travis on the other hand got his fill of beer.

The Harley Davidson manufacturing plant was another stop on our list. Travis could have stayed much longer and taken a closer look at all the parts and the assembly line. It was a fun 30 minute tour... but no cameras allowed! You know... so I don't start my own motorcycle plant or something :)

I loved our tandem bike ride!!!!! We both laughed so hard maneuvering this thing. We actually did pretty well with Travis on the front. But when we traded and I was in front... well, Travis didn't do so well not being able to steer. He still tried to steer on the back but all he did was make my seat wobble and throw us both off balance. I only lasted on the front of the bike for maybe 100 feet.

I love the beach! Luckily we found a really nice beach with clear water to lounge around for an afternoon. The water was pretty cold so we just went out to our knees.

We ate a few REALLY good meals and a couple of just OK meals. There was an Italian restaurant right across the street from our hotel that we actually went to twice! It was just that good. We ended our trip with a Margarita Monday boat cruise. The boat ride was 1 1/2 hours up the river onto Lake Michigan and back again. We had margaritas and appetizers on the boat. I love me some chips and salsa!


LindaAlex August 23, 2010 at 7:09 AM  

I love seeing your Milwaukee pictures! It looks like you had lots of fun together. I do love a good road trip.

Johnni August 23, 2010 at 7:51 AM  

love the pictures of the two of you! :) joella tried to wave at the first one in trav's sunglasses.

Kaley August 23, 2010 at 6:00 PM  

How fun Ashley! It looks like you two had a great vacation.

Anonymous August 23, 2010 at 6:07 PM  

i love the pictures!! Especially the curly hair! ;) wish jason knew how to take nice pics. looks like you had a good time!

Heather August 23, 2010 at 9:38 PM  

Awweee...these made me smile! I'm so happy you two had a great trip together!

kayandrich August 23, 2010 at 10:14 PM  

Looks like you and Travis had a great time! Great pics of the two of you.

Kris Hoskinson August 25, 2010 at 2:41 PM  

glad you had so much fun! great pics! :)

b+k August 26, 2010 at 4:07 AM  

Ashley! I LOVE these pictures! I remember visiting Milwaukee with arch all those years ago, and I think the two of you had a much better time than we did back then! I also LOVE seeing all the pictures of you, it's so fun to watch the little ones and families on the blog, but I feel like I get to enjoy you more when you put up photos of yourself! Plus, margarita cruise? I'm in!

You did a GREAT job of documenting your trip there! Plus, I love the tandem bike. Funny story, when we were doing our pre-marital counseling, Steve & Shelly made us go out on their tandem bike as one of our meetings together! It's great practice for marriage...

And, by the way, I'm just noticing that I must have posted earlier, but I seriously don't remember that. Maybe it was Brian? Or my American ghost posting on your wall?

b+k August 26, 2010 at 4:08 AM  

Ha, silly me. kthuesen is also my mother in law. Just realized that. I figured it out when my photo posted next to my link, but there wasn't one on hers! Hi Kay :)

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